Sherry Hill Honored by Rockwood 2000
Sherry Hill, the first president of Rockwood 2000, was honored at a reception January 14, 2012. Charter board member, Eddie Bilbrey, told how a few Rockwoodians gathered at Junior’s restaurant to discuss ways to improve the appearance of downtown Rockwood, preserve the past, foster eduction, and instill civic pride. The result was a cultural organization they named Rockwood 2000, and Sherry Hill was unanimously voted as President. Sherry’s strong vision of how to attain the goals of Rockwood 2000 as described in the organization’s charter lives on as work toward beautification, historic preservation, and education continues. While she is no longer an active member, her advice and council is often sought by those who attempt to follow her example of commitment and service to our community. Maurice Grief presented her with a plaque and unveiled a paver in her honor. Mayor Watts presented her with a key to the city.

News Stories From the Past
Many of the projects that Rockwood 2000 takes on are news worthy to the local residents. The following is just a sample of some of our news stories….
· Rockwood Fifth Grade Students Visit Our State Capital
· Rockwood 2000 members plan for future improvements in Rockwood
· Kiley Gunter Wins Rockwood 2000 Scholarship For 2011
· 2010 Christmas Tour of Homes
· Plaid-a-Palooza Party Comes to Rockwood
· Candidate Forum set for May 17th at 6:00 P.M.
· Pageants At The Rockwood Fall Festival
· Rockwood City and Service Employees Enjoy Lunch in the Park
· Rockwood 2000 Thanking their Home Owners, Sponsors and Members